catholic encyclopedia pope valentine
Saint Valentine : Biography from
26 Iun 2010 Wikisource-logo.svg " Pope Valentine " in the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia . ..... Was Nostic Leader, Valentines also known as Pope Constantine
Pope Valentine
Valentine, (in Latin: Valentinus), pope for thirty or forty days in 827, Wikisource-logo.svg " Pope Valentine " in the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia .
Valentine ( pope ) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
7 Mar 2010 It is not know whether Pope Gelasius knew of more than one Valentine . "Saint Valentine " from the Catholic Encyclopedia
Pope Valentine
Pope Valentine summary with 2 pages of encyclopedia entries, research information, References. " Pope Valentine " in the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia .
Pope Boniface Vi - Kosmix
21 Jul 2010 Flavius Valens · Pope Valentine next: Pope Valentine
Valentine's Day History —
13 Jan 2010 {5} Kirsch, Johann Peter. “ Pope Valentine .” The Catholic Encyclopedia . Vol. 15. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1912. 9 Dec.
Pope Valentine Summary |
Pope Valentine . Date of birth unknown; died about October, 827. Valentine was by birth was Roman, belonging to the Via Lata district.
Pope Valentine
13 Jan 2010 {5} Kirsch, Johann Peter. " Pope Valentine ." The Catholic Encyclopedia . Vol. 15. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1912. 9 Dec.
St. Valentine's Day: All About Saint Valentine's Day
[edit] References. Wikisource-logo.svg " Pope Valentine " in the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia . from the 9th edition (1888) of an unnamed encyclopedia
The Banana Republican: Pope Valentine of Rome
Valentine was a holy priest in Rome, who, with St. Marius and his family,
Pope Valentine | Encyclopedia
Pope Valentine - Original Catholic Encyclopedia Holiday Cookie Recipes , Christmas, Pope's Valentine Cookies Recipe Catholic Encyclopedia Pope Valentine
St. Valentine's Day | Seasonal Feature | American Catholic
Valentine , (in Latin: Valentinus), pope for thirty or forty days in 827, was a Roman by birth, and, . Pope Boniface VI. In The Catholic Encyclopedia .
St Valentine Roman Catholic Church, Bethel Park, PA
Valentine's Day is a holiday shrouded in mystery and legend. God Is Love: Pope Benedict's First Encyclical From Catholic Update, St. Anthony Messenger Press
Pope Valentine of Rome « The Banana Republican
21 Jul 2010 Pope Valentine : Reigned 827. Page scans include illustrations, maps, and images from the original Catholic Encyclopedia .
St. Valentine Catholic Church - Redford, MI
Accessed 2010.09.28; ^ [2] " Pope Valentine ," Catholic Encyclopedia .
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